Here are some of my project I have worked on as a UI/UX Designer.

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UX Design Case Study


Semojo is an application that makes it easy for travelers who go to Yogyakarta to rent a motorbike, so they can book ahead of time and don’t have to queue and don’t even need to go to a rental place.

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During a pandemic like this, the government prohibits crowds anywhere, this Layanan Paspor Online application provides a queuing feature for making passports online without having to come to the Immigration Office...

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McDelivery application is an application for ordering food at McDonald's restaurants, and I did research and read Feedback reviews on the Google PlayStore, many users criticized this application, such as the difficulty of...

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UX writing Case Study


Pak Amri ingin menghitung zakat menggunakan fitur kalkulator zakat yang ada di aplikasi Muslim Pro, ketika selesai menggunakan fitur tersebut, pak amri spontan mengetuk tombol kembali, ketika itu pak amri langsung mendapati Dialogue Box dengan 3 button yang membingungkan.

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Putra ingin mengetahui berapa video lagi yang harus ia selesaikan dalam kursus yang ia beli, tapi di aplikasi udemy hanya berapa presentase dari kursus yg dia beli, padahal putra ingin mengetahui berapa video lagi yang harus dia selesaikan

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Fatur ingin melihat riwayat transaksi belanja, kebetulan di Aplikasi Klik Indomart riwayat transaksinya lumayan banyak, ketika fatur mengetuk menu transaksi/virtual ia hanya mendapati empty state “Belum ada Transaksi”, tidak ada langkah lagi yang bisa dia ambil dihalaman tersebut.

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