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Semojo is an app that makes it simple for visitors to Yogyakarta to hire a motorcycle by allowing them to reserve ahead of time and avoid having to line or even go to a rental location.

Project Duration

2 Weeks

👩🏻 Role

UI/UX Designer

🔨 Tools

Figma & Miro

🧠 Methods

Interview, Usability Testing, Feedback Review Google Playstore

Problem Statement

I took the train to Yogyakarta a few months ago. When he arrived in Yogyakarta, I meant to hire a motorcycle, but it was quite difficult to do so for a variety of reasons, including a lack of motorcycles, a lack of knowledge about where to rent a motorcycle, and quite stringent conditions. Semojo aims to make your road trip easier, especially in Yogyakarta, by eliminating the need to wait for a long time for a bus or public transit or spend a lot of money on taxis. Users should not be restricted by time schedules. For instance, if a group of people is organizing a road trip or an expedition, or simply driving with pals. In the current situation, they must wait for a bus to take them to the city, where they must hire a vehicle because the rental department is located in the city center; they must then select a vehicle, return to college, select their buddies, and continue organizing their trip. This is a time-consuming task.

User & Audience

In this initiative, the user and audience are Yogyakarta immigrants.

Scope & Constraints

I designed the Yogyakarta rental booking experience, as well as the entry and registration flow.

Roles & Responsibilities

It is a personal project in which I completed all UX and UI design procedures (end-to-end) as well as a basic drawing to enhance the user experience.


To create the required product, I use the framework. Empathy, define, ideate, prototype, and test are all aspects of design thinking that I employ.

Design Thinking Process.png

Make a Research Plan

To guarantee that the project is operating well and to make determining the next steps easier, I devised a research strategy.

Research Plan

Research Questions

Interview questions focus on getting deeper information and digging up information by the research objectives.

Identify the User

I conducted interviews in accordance with the study strategy in order to have a better understanding of the users. I conducted interviews with five people. Travelers who have visited Yogyakarta and hired motorcycles are among the participants. To learn about the users, I summarised the interviews and turned them into user personas.

User Persona