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Layanan Paspor Online Application is an application that was released on May 14 2018 at the immigration office in Denpasar, Ngurah Rai, and Singaraja, Bali.

Project Duration

2 Weeks

🔨 Tools

Figma & Miro

👩🏻 Role

UI/UX Designer

🧠 Methods

Interview, Usability Testing, Feedback Review Google Playstore

Problem Statement


Because the government forbids crowds everywhere during a pandemic, our Layanan Paspor Online program offers a queueing option for obtaining passports without having to visit the Immigration Office.We are aware that most public-facing apps, such as this Layanan Paspor Online application, find it extremely difficult to obtain accurate and clear information from government organizations. I used UT to come up with the theory, but this application is actually rather easy.

<aside> ⚙️ The results of the tests I did :


I challenge myself to improve in terms of UX, Design, and features based on my premise above; however, there are several things I need first, especially;

<aside> ⚙️ Objective

User & Audience

People who have utilized the Layanan Passport Online Application are the users and audience for this project.

Roles & Responsibilities

Because this is a personal project, I am responsible for the entire process (end to finish), including research, UX design, and UI design.

Stage 1 — Empathise

The purpose of empathy is to gain an empathic knowledge of the problem you'll be solving by learning about the user's objectives, motivations, and pain spots.

<aside> ⚙️ At this stage, we will do 3 main things :

This is the step in the process when we figure out exactly what the problem is that users of the Layanan Paspor Online program are having. There are various methods for determining the nature of the problem. An interview, an IDI (In-depth Interview), or a survey can be used to do this.

Feedback Review.png

<aside> ⚙️ To see more detailed photos, go to the gallery page by clicking the icon below.
