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Project Duration : 3 Weeks

👩🏻 Role : UI UX Designer

🔨 Tools : Figma & Miro

🧠 Methods : Interview, Usability Testing, Feedback Review Google Playstore


In this case study I will discuss the McDelivery Application, this McDelivery application is a food ordering application that is specially made for ordering McDonald's food.

Problem Statement


In a pandemic like this, people tend to buy fast food using an online order application provided by the fast-food restaurant. The McDelivery application is an application for ordering food at McDonald's restaurants, and I did research and read Feedback reviews on the Google PlayStore, many users criticized this application, such as the difficulty of changing addresses, the difficulty of tracking orders, and others, I also agree with the feedback review.


My goal is to find out or explore the motivation/pain points. We try to get into a specific problem and find out the root cause. From my hypothesis above, I challenge myself to improve in terms of design and features. Before I do that, there are a few things that I need, namely;

User & Audience

Users & audiences in this project are people who have bought MCDs with the McDelivery application

Roles & Responsibilities

Because this is a personal project I work on all processes (end to end) from research, UX Design, UI Design.

Stage 1 — Empathise